frequently asked questions

Does it matter if I don’t have my birth time?

YES. In astrology, having an accurate birth time is essential to receiving an accurate reading. Be as specific as possible.

If you do not have access to your birth time, an astrology reading is not recommended.

How do readings happen?

Readings take place on Zoom. They are always recorded for you to keep and sent to you via email in the week following your reading.

For best results, please join your reading from a private space that is free from distractions.

You do not need to be on camera for the reading (though you can, if you’d like!).

Should I be nervous about my reading?


These readings are a safe space where your privacy and humanity are always respected. There’s no need to be nervous.

What if the reading times don’t work for me?

If you’re ready to schedule but availability is an issue due to time zones, please contact directly to see about arranging another time.

Can you provide legal or medical advice in readings?

No, that would be unethical.

Do you offer discounts?

Yes, you can get special discounts on readings as a sponsor of my Patreon (Manifesting Circle and Producer level members get the best deals).

Mini readings are also available here for a lower cost.

If you’re a member of marginalized group and on a limited budget, you may contact about a discounted session.

How far in advance can I book a reading?

Generally, 60 days. Patreon sponsors get priority booking and can generally book 90 days ahead.

Do you offer other readings?

Mini astrology readings and tarot readings are available here.

Transit readings (a look at your upcoming astrology) are currently only available for sponsors of my Patreon community.

If you’re looking for something else, please contact.

I don’t like you. Do you know anyone else who can read for me?

Yes, Mackenzie Wollenzien and Jen Russell are incredible astrologers. Carrie Wilson is an excellent psychic medium.

They’re all ethical and caring readers.