Leo Full Moon Vibes

On Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 10:27am PST the Moon will be full in the sign of Leo at 16° 40', and the energy is a bit of a doozy!

Mercury will be conjunct Pluto, Venus will be square Mars, and Uranus will be in a t-square with the Sun and Moon so...let's just say it's a great day to say home, chill out, and take a look at how you express yourself in the world.

Where can you let your light shine more brightly?

I've put together some thoughts to give you a sense of how the energy might manifest for you in your personal life and questions you can ask yourself to make the most use of it.

First you'll need to find what house 16°40' Leo falls into in your natal chart.

Once you do that, read for the relevant house sign below.

FIRST HOUSE - Look for insights surrounding your sense of self. How do you view and define who you are? Release any conceptions of your identity that you've outgrown. Where can you create space to receive inspiration and insights about how you might meet the world around you?

SECOND HOUSE - Look for awarenesses surrounding your relationship with security. What elements of your life leave you feeling insecure? Release any habits that fall short of honoring your full value. Where in your days can you make space to welcome the warmth of your own light?

THIRD HOUSE - Look for insights around how you think. What mental habits have you developed that limit the way you experience life? Release any ideas about needing to operate in a way that is routine and familiar. Where can you create space to invite new ways of approaching concepts and communications?

FOURTH HOUSE - Look for awarenesses around how you deal with home and family. What aspects of your upbringing have influenced how you live your life? Release any commitments to meeting others' expectations. Where can you make space to receive the brilliance that comes from not having to hide aspects of yourself to find acceptance?

FIFTH HOUSE - Look for awarenesses around how you play. What aspects of your life leave you afraid to take risks? Release any old losses that limit your self expression. Where can you make space to welcome the joy that comes with acting without inhibition?

SIXTH HOUSE - Look for awarenesses around how you arrange your day-to-day life. What routines have you adopted? Release any patterns that leave you disheartened and underappreciated. Where can you create space to invite more fun into your days?

SEVENTH HOUSE - Look for awarenesses around your obligations and partnerships. Where do you owe your time? Release any commitments that don't honor your individual contributions. Where can you make space to receive greater equity and inspiration in your one-on-one relationships?

EIGHTH HOUSE - Look for awarenesses around your own psychology. What aspects of your life leave you feeling uncertain? Release any grief surrounding past losses and disappointments. Where can you make space to find the magic that comes through healing?

NINTH HOUSE - Look for awarenesses surrounding what you believe. What long-held ideas have you been carrying? Release those that no longer empower you. Where in your life can you make space to receive lightness and adventure?

TENTH HOUSE - Look for awareness around how you put yourself out in the world. What expectations have you placed on yourself? Release any ideas that limit how that should look. Where can you find new avenues to show just how brightly you can burn?

ELEVENTH HOUSE - Look for awarenesses surrounding your relationship with community. What aspirations do you have that might be celebrated with like-hearted people? Release any commitments to going it alone. Where in your life can you make more space to give and receive support?

TWELFTH HOUSE - Look for awarenesses around your sense of spiritual connection. What aspects of your life leave you feeling spiritually detached? Release any practices that restrict your ability to find light in the darkness. Where can you find new ways to receive the warmth of your own unique connection with the Universe?

Happy full moon!


Dates 4 Venus Signs